Beauty Tips Based on your Skin Tone

Different skin types have different needs and face different problems. It is important to identify your skin tone and take necessary action.

Beauty tips for oily skin:
This is the most troublesome skin type to have.The troubles are countless, but when maintained right this skin type can have a glow and charm that is breath taking.

Common troubles:
  • Coarse skin with enlarged visible pores that has a dull appearance due to the over production of oil in the skin which gives a shiny and greasy sheen.
  • Frequent acne and blemishes likes blackheads, white heads and dark spots.
Simple tips:
  • Maintain a healthy diet including lots of raw veggies and fruits avoiding oily and junk food.
  • Keep your face clean always. This helps in keeping away excessive oiliness and acne.

Beauty tips for dry skin:
If you think that oily skin is a pain, then let us tell you that having dry skin isn’t a walk in the park either. Dry skin gets very uncomfortable especially in the winters and in extreme cold temperatures giving intense pain and unsightly appearance when not taken care of properly.

Common troubles:
  • Dry skin usually seems to have fine texture with dullness on the skin buton a closer look there may be some flaky or granulated sections particularly around the corners of the mouth, eyes, and forehead.
  • If neglected it will form wrinkles and become more brittle with age.
Simple tips:
  • Don’t use very hot water during a shower
  • Never leave the shower without applying moisturizer
  • Pat dry your skin after a shower and always use a soft towel

Beauty tips for combination skin:
With this weget both the good and the bad of the oily and dry skin type!Combination skins usually has a mix of both oily characteristics having large pores, a constant shine, and breakouts on the skin especially in the T-zone that’s forehead, nose, chin area and dry skin characteristics i.e., itching, flakiness, redness on the cheeks.

Common troubles:
You shall face the troubles of both the skin types depending on the climatic conditions and also which skin type is more dominant.

Simple tips:
If have an oily skin type, then your hormones play a great influence over whether or not you end up with combinations skin.Here are few very basic things you can do it help your skin look and feel better.
  • Keep your face clean at all times to prevent oily zones from catching an infection of any kind.
  • Hunt for the perfect moisturizer for you. These can never be the same for people with this skin type as there will always be variations in the degrees of oiliness and dryness. And once you find it, don’t change!
  • Use the appropriate amount of moisturizer depending on your skins reaction to the climatic conditions. Too much moisturization will cause problems with the oily zone and less of it will cause problems with the dry zone.
Post Title : Beauty Tips Based on your Skin Tone

Beauty Tips Based on your Skin Tone,

Beauty Tips Based on your Skin Tone

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